A unique platform dedicated to web accessibility

No one is surprised by the presence of ramps for people with disabilities in public places. However, many do not realize that the Internet should also be accessible. Our initiative aims to raise awareness among website owners, developers and users about the importance of online accessibility. We believe that making websites accessible is not only a legal requirement, but also an important step in creating an inclusive and welcoming online community for everyone.

Accessibility rating for websites in Israel

Last updated: January 2024

Do you want to see your site in our ranking?

Send a link to your site so that we can evaluate its accessibility using our methodology and add it to the rating. Sites with an average number of visits of 10,000 or more per month can participate in the ranking.

About the project

We strive to create a public resource that evaluates the Israeli web in terms of accessibility for all users, including those with physical or cognitive disabilities.

In accordance with modern regulations and legislation, such as the Law on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in Israel, our rating is based on the international standard WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). We recognize the importance of creating accessible web content that is compliant and compliant to ensure equal access to all segments of society.

Join us in the pursuit of web accessibility on the Internet. Follow the rating, share your experiences, and together we will make the web space more open and accessible to every member of our society.

Eugene Mednikov

Web developer, accessibility evangelist

Michael Kogan

Social entrepreneur, web developer

Nataly Kulikov

Social worker, coordinator of disabled children center


This project is a private initiative of enthusiasts in the field of accessibility research and website development, implemented at their own expense.

If you would like to support us, here are some ways to do so:

Accessibility audit

You can order a professional accessibility audit of your website from us. You will receive a list of recommendations for improving key accessibility parameters, as well as an accessibility score according to our methodology and the opportunity to be included in our rating.


You can become a volunteer for our project. We offer interesting and socially useful tasks. If you are an expert in your field or just want to help, write to us and we will definitely find something to suit you.


You can donate any amount comfortable for you in one of the available ways. The money will be used to develop and popularize the project. If you wish, we will place your name in the “Donors” section.


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